How To Get and Stay Motivated/Back From My Hiatus!

I want to apologize for not posting at all recently. I sincerely meant to, but alas, life hit me hard. Still, I am back and what am I back with? Yes! A post. A post full of old ideas and new knowledge to fill the ideas with. Anyways, I’m gonna stop rambling and get to the point. I present, How To Get and Stay Motivated:

As someone who often wants to achieve a lot but lacks much of the motivation, I sometimes get frustrated with myself. I once read that procrastination is common in people with anxiety – something about how you’re scared to fail so you don’t take chance and you just never do it. I don’t know about you, but if I don’t do it, I’ll probably end up thinking about it all day long, just getting more and more stressed. That being said, here are a few tips for how to start being motivated and how to stay feeling that way.

The first thing I want to address is the common misconception that once you feel motivated, it’s just gonna stay that way. No matter how motivated you feel at one point, unless you make it last, its never going to last. It’s all about momentum – keeping the ball rolling and finding things that inspire you to keep working on whatever it is you need to stay motivated for. Your inspirations can be people, photographs, stories, artwork, pretty much anything.

Here is a list of a few things to keep in mind:

1. You will likely be much more willing to work on something that you find enjoyable or something that will reward you when it is finished than something you hate or something that won’t give you back anything for your hard work.

2. When working on things that you feel are not rewarding or that you dislike, think of why you’re doing them. There has to be a reason, and usually by finding the reason, you can find out a) if you wish to continue and b) that there may actually be reward after all. If it was, say, your job, you’d be doing it because it gives you money to survive. If it was something else that you did not enjoy but were learning (in example, guitar) ask yourself, “Why am I learning this?” If you don’t find it rewarding to learn guitar, and you don’t enjoy learning it, then quit. It’s a waste of time.

3. In order to stay motivated, you have to work on whatever your project is pretty frequently. For me, that would be writing and learning the piano. I have to practice each one of these at least once a day if possible.

4. It’s easy to fall back into the mentality of, “I’ll do it later.” Don’t let yourself get back to that point once you’ve started to be motivated. It will only be harder to become motivated again.

5. If you do fall back into the, “I’ll do it later.” mentality, its okay. It happens to the best of us. Just do your best to get back up and start becoming motivated again.

And finally, here are some tips to start getting motivated!

1. Start small. Don’t just jump headfirst into all your projects and lifestyle ideas. You will most likely find it overwhelming and it will lead you to quitting. Perhaps work on one goal at a time, like eating a couple of fruits a day or a writing a paragraph each morning/night/evening and begin expanding when you feel comfortable.

2. Find inspiration for your ideas. Look at people who have succeeded in your area of work, look at heathy food recipes and meal plan, connect with other people who have similar goals and encourage each other to do your best. It helps to keep you interested and excited about your goals which will lead to success.

3. Tell people in your life about your goals. Sometimes the pressure of knowing that people know your goals and will notice if you’re not following them is just the right thing to kickstart your plans.

4. Try to have somewhat of a schedule. Doing the same things at the same time each day will be easier for your brain to remember than writing or exercising at random times in the day. Eating your meals at approximately the same time every day can help you to be in a better mood. If your mood is good, you’ll be happier to work on your goals! Also make sure to stay hydrated.

5. Renew your inspiration and motivation each day. When you wake up, think of one thing that is motivating you to finish your project or get healthier or whatever it is that your gaol might be.

6. Lastly, don’t freak out if it takes a while to get yourself started. Getting motivated on a daily basis can be truly hard sometimes! All you can do is try your very best and see what happens.

Well, there you guys go! I really hope this helps you and that you enjoyed reading it. If you did, please leave me a comment and suggest what you want me to talk about next! <3 Till next time. *tips hat*

It’s Okay to Not be Okay: Part One

First and foremost, I want to apologise for not posting much lately – I’ve been busy… mostly.

Alright, lets cut the crap. The real reason I haven’t been posting is because I don’t know what to say. I try to keep my content pretty positive and uplifting, but lately I’ve had a downward spiral that doesn’t seem to be ending. I am only human, there are many things that I don’t know, many things that I must learn before I can share them. What I’ve been wondering as of late is: how can I encourage others to be positive when I myself have not been? It feels so fake, so forced. I had hoped that I could always be genuine in my interactions and/or my posts. And I genuinely believed things were getting better. And now I’m not sure if I believe that anymore. I’m not even sure if I should or could believe it if I was given the chance to.

So today’s topic is: It’s Okay to Not be Okay.

• You don’t need to be happy one hundred percent of the time. You are allowed to feel other emotions – pain, embarrassment, anger. We are humans, not game show hosts. (yes, that was indeed a Heathers reference, for all you little fans out there)
• If you are happy, you don’t need to feel guilty or ashamed. You do not need to carry the burdens of other people on yourself, it is okay to set limits. Carrying both the troubles of yourself and others is not healthy for you. There is only so much pressure one person can take.
• On the flip side, it’s also okay to open up and talk about your issues. Some days you might be feeling strong, like you can take it all on yourself – that’s great. But sometimes you need help, and though it can be hard to admit that, it is oftentimes necessary. I suggest talking to a counsellor or a close friend. If you’re worried about this person telling your secrets or troubles, try talking to a close online friend who lives a ways away, as it is less likely they will be able to contact your real life peers, family, or friends. You can also text or call a suicide hotline.

I’ll be back with a part two of this post. At some point. Hopefully. It’s too long and important of a topic to simply put in one post.

Anyways, stay safe and do your best, m’dears. Until next time. *tips hat* As always, feel free to post a comment or a request for my next post.

Anxiety and Headaches: An Introduction

A poem/song I wrote today. Hope you enjoy, and if you do, please comment and let me know!

I present to you, dear ladies and gents’

“Anxiety and Headaches: An Introduction”

Too tired to function
Too anxious to sleep
Oh such splitting headaches
And all the time I couldn’t keep
And when the clock strikes midnight
And I finally come alive
I realise I have woken up again
Only to wake up and die
The too-bright neon lights
The all-too cheerful faces
I wonder do they see the monsters?
Or am I the only one who’s hopeless?
Will they follow down this path
Of staying up late and dying young
Will they regret their anxious thoughts
When they finally see the sun?
Will they have splitting headaches, too
Or will they be just fine
I know it isn’t up to me
To see ahead of my time
Then my thoughts come to a halting stop
Its morning once again
I sigh, another sleepless night
Another day of splitting pain
I’ll try to sleep well tonight
Like every night before
Oh god, please take the monsters away;
The anxiousness down to my core.

My Thoughts On: Imperfections

Firstly, everyone has imperfections; there’s not a person alive who doesn’t. Oftentimes, we think people will judge us because of our imperfections, or that we’ll be chosen last because of them. Sometimes that’s true, but more often than not, it’s quite the opposite.

What you consider to be your ‘imperfection’ could be a selling point for someone else (some examples later). Someone I know once told me this, and all these years later, I still remember it:

‘You’re not going to be chosen because you’re perfect. You will be chosen because someone finds your imperfections beautiful.’

Say for example, you’re a singer or an actress/actor and you make a mistake during your monologue or your song. Your voice cracks, or it fades out. You think, “Ah crap, I’m toast now.” The director might think, “That’s really raw – that can’t be forced. S/he’s hired.”

Or maybe you accidentally drew a line or painted over something when you didn’t mean to – you think the whole painting is ruined and yet everyone around you keeps complimenting the changes you’ve made to it.

Now, lets talk about some famous imperfections.

— Melanie Martinez’s tooth gap. Usually tooth gaps are thought to be ugly or gross but in Melanie’s case, everyone thinks it’s cute.

–A multitude of musicians whose voices have cracked during recordings or live performances. The results were that the crowd still loved them, maybe even more than they did before.

–multiple artists who have suffered from mental illness or drug abuse in the past and are still loved and respected.

Some day someone will choose you not because you are perfect, but because you aren’t.

A Poetic Ramble About Emotions and What it Means to be Human

Why do we live? Why do we die? Why do we feel the way we do? Pain, pleasure, the tinkling of our skin when we’re scared. We feel hatred and love, always wondering which is stronger; which will win inside of us. Are we human because we bleed? Or do we bleed because we are human? And are we still human once we’ve become numb, without emotions to guide us? For a man can kill in a fit of rage, but what we must truly fear are those who plan. Those who think of murder in a precise and delicate fashion. For they are actors upon the world’s stage, ever deceitful and villainous. Their trickery is a victory. Even if you’ve known them all your life, you’ve never really known them at all.
“I’m so sorry.”
And then I do it. I let her fall. I let her die.

If you want to, feel free to post your opinions on this down below in the comments! If you run across this piece of writing anywhere else please alert me at once; I haven’t put it anywhere except here. Thanks for reading! *tips hat* Till next time!

Twenty Steps (My Outlook on Setbacks and Meeting Goals)

I’m sure many of you can relate to this – personally, it was about my depression, but I know that it will have a different meaning for different people. If you’d like to, you can comment about how you perceived this. I hope you enjoy reading!

Twenty steps.

Twenty steps to freedom.

It should be easy, right? Lift one leg, move forward, and do it again. But sometimes we get pushed back and when people ask, “How are you?” how can we reply that we were doing fine yesterday, but we’re back at the beginning today? How can we tell them without the fear that what we’re saying isn’t valid? Isn’t enough because, “Look at that girl. She has thirty steps and you only have twenty. Why are you being so dramatic?” and “Its not that hard. You’re just overreacting.”

And at some point maybe we start believing you, but it doesn’t make it any easier. These feelings are valid. These struggles are real. It may take us years to climb those steps and reach the top, but when we do, we will be stronger.

Don’t you dare call us weak because we fell. You were the ones who pushed us down.

Twenty steps to freedom.

Twenty steps.

My Thoughts On: Making Mistakes

‘Jumping in puddles.’
‘Dancing in the rain.’

When I hear these phrases it reminds me of my early childhood and the carefree attitude that accompanied it; it makes me nostalgic to think of times when it was completely okay to make messes and mistakes in the name of discovering the world and learning. Do you remember when we lost that privilege? Do you remember how it felt?
Why do we teach our children to be afraid of making mistakes when we know it’s normal, healthy, and inevitable? Why do we teach them that they are walking time bombs just waiting to explode? No matter how responsible or mature they are, they will make mistakes. Heck, even fully grown adults make mistakes! True, some people will make bigger mistakes than others, but there’s rarely a mistake that cannot be fixed or made better. Instead of instilling this fear in them, why don’t we tell them how to deal with the aftermath of something that is a normal occurrence? Why don’t we say:
“You will make mistakes, and that’s okay. Here’s how to deal with it.”
‘Dancing in the rain’ and ‘jumping in puddles’ are not about the acts themselves but about the carefree nature and message they display. They tell you it’s okay to get messy sometimes, you don’t have to be perfect, and to make the best of a less-than-perfect situation.
That being said, my point is: don’t fear your mistakes. They’re gonna happen and when they do, it’s not the end of the world, you are strong and brave, and I know you can do this.
Just hold on.